Feb 28, 2022
As we continue to seek beautiful, pleasure-filled, fully alive sexuality in marriage, let’s look at more of the goodness of God in this quick episode. Your sexuality was created by the Father with great purpose. Sex is an inviation from the Father to have unity and oneness that leads to abundant fruitfulness.
You’ll be encouraged and equipped to lean in and walk as a fully alive woman, living in a fruitful relationship that goes well beyond the most secret places in your marriage. You were made for love and to be loved.
In This Episode Francie talks about:
And, if you want to avoid the drift and lean into your marriage connection, Join the Jumpstart Your Marriage Connection course. This 5 part study will provide teaching, practicals and declarations to help you grow your marriage connection. Join the Jumpstart Your Marriage Connection, click here
And, Francie is partnered with MyCounselor.Online as a resource for Biblically based counseling. You’ll receive a 25% discount on your first session. Click here
And, Francie’s favorite place to find resources to bring a little something to the marriage bed is Married Dance. Use discount code MerryMarriage for 10% off site wide. Click here
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