Nov 27, 2023
Join us in this quick and lighthearted episode where we explore creative ways to nurture intimacy OUTSIDE of the bedroom. With hectic schedules and the 'roommate rut' that can sneak into even the happiest relationships, it's crucial to carve out quality time for genuine connection and joy.
This episode is all about...
Nov 20, 2023
Friend, get ready for a freedom chat in this rich conversation with Molly Rhodes, who is a fellow listener and Discipleship Circle member. In this conversation we have an honest, vulnerable chat about the amazing beauty of our feminine body and how to tap into the ways God designed us as women. It's a conversation that...
Nov 13, 2023
In this heartfelt episode, you’ll hear a beautiful summation of life lessons I've yearned to impart to my own daughters. Join me as we explore crucial insights and TRUTH to share and pass down to the next generation about their bodies, sexuality, and the incredible way in which God has thoughtfully created them.
Nov 6, 2023
In this episode, we address a common struggle faced by so many of us - the overwhelming exhaustion that often leaves us feeling too drained for intimacy. It’s real! Life's demands can leave you physically and emotionally depleted, and at the end of the day, sex might feel like just another exhausting task.
But what if...