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Heaven In Your Home

Jul 18, 2022

The holy pursuit of your female sexuality often involves a healing journey. As you ditch the shame and wounded parts, unpack your story and begin to live as a fully integrated woman, the fruit of freedom is experienced.


In this episode, you will hear more of the wonderful ways God has made your female body and hopefully see the goodness of God as you lean into more oneness in your marriage. 


Reframe unhelpful notions of transactional, duty or climax-focused sex and learn the incredible benefits of slow, intentional love making. You will hear practicals for making the most of sexual arousal to pursue incredible pleasure and experience extended initimacy.


Francie is partnered with MyCounselor.Online as a resource for Biblically based counseling, including sex therapy. You’ll receive a 25% discount on your first session. Click  here

Thanks for joining Francie on this episode of Heaven in Your Home. We hope you’ll be inspired by this episode, and feel led to share it with someone you know would be ministered by Francie’s message.

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Grab the free guide, Five Truths about Sex